Place, cultural selves, narrative

A diagram for culture-making

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  • Yunhee Lee Hankuk University of Foreign Studies



Tara Westover, çizeneksel imgelem, yer, benlik, özyaşamöyküsel yazı


This paper aims at an investigation into the relation between place and the self by looking at culture and narrative. Thus, the relation is regarded as a diagram for culture-making by way of narration, which will be examined from three perspectives, namely, first-person experience of place, second-person relation of cultural selves, and third-person knowledge of place. Following analysis of the three narrative levels in an autobiographical writing by Tara Westover from which confluence between place and the self is revealed in terms of culture-making, the paper proposes that both place and selves are narrated by way of transvaluation, that is, revaluation through diagrammatic imagination.



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How to Cite

Lee, Y. (2024). Place, cultural selves, narrative: A diagram for culture-making. TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2(Özel Sayı/ Special Issue/ Issue Specialé), 43–51.