Introducing an Asian semiotic initiative

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  • Ishida Hidetaka University of Tokyo



Asian semiotic initiative, digitalization, cultural semiotic, digital humanities, symbolic forms


This article introduces the concept of an Asian Semiotic Initiative, exploring its relevance in the contemporary landscape of semiotics. Beginning with a nuanced examination of the dichotomy between Western and Asian semiotics, it argues for the existence of distinct semiotic traditions while cautioning against overly abstract interpretations. The discussion delves into the impact of the graphics revolution on digital writing practices, highlighting the complex interplay between scriptural systems and computer languages. Through examples like kuzushiji recognition and ukiyo-e face datasets, the article illustrates how digital technology facilitates the interpretation of ancient cultural artifacts, paving the way for a deeper understanding of symbolic forms in diverse cultural contexts.
Methodologically, the paper draws upon philosophical insights and empirical observations to navigate the evolving terrain of semiotics in the digital age. It elucidates the return of the symbolic in contemporary semiotics, showcasing how advancements in technology enable a more nuanced analysis of visual grammar and cultural practices. Furthermore, the article discusses the implications of these findings for the field of digital humanities, advocating for a semiotic approach to cultural phenomena.
The findings underscore the necessity of embracing a praxeological and ecological approach to cultural analysis, challenging traditional theoretical frameworks. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, the article suggests new avenues for interdisciplinary research and collaboration within the field of semiotics. It calls for a reevaluation of cultural logics and agencies, particularly in non-Western contexts, while emphasizing the role of semioticians in shaping our understanding of contemporary culture.
In conclusion, the article proposes the establishment of an Asian Semiotic Initiative as a platform for scholarly exchange and collaboration among Asian semioticians. It envisions a future where semiotics plays a pivotal role in deciphering the complexities of our interconnected world, fostering a deeper appreciation of cultural diversity and semiotic practices.


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How to Cite

Hidetaka, I. (2024). Introducing an Asian semiotic initiative. TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2(Özel Sayı/ Special Issue/ Issue Specialé), 1–6.