The transdisciplinary paradigm of the intermedial grammatology

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  • Sung Do Kim Korea University



Transdisciplinary, intermediality, grammatology, semiotics, media studies


The study presents a comprehensive exploration of the transdisciplinary paradigm of intermedial grammatology. It critically examines the contribution of anthropo-semiotic grammatology to our understanding of writing and graphic design, advocating for a methodological and epistemological pluralism. The work navigates through four main issues: establishing the methodological, epistemological, and ontological foundations of anthropo-semiotic grammatology; exploring the practice of writing in the Far Eastern context, particularly through calligraphy; investigating the visual and graphic dimensions of Saussurean discourse; and addressing recent developments in digital writing. This exploration encompasses a diverse range of perspectives, including semiotics, linguistics, anthropology, and media studies. The paper challenges conventional notions of writing and introduces a non-anthropocentric concept of writing, highlighting the impact of digital technologies and AI on the practice and understanding of writing. Ultimately, it offers a novel approach to grammatology, emphasizing the importance of intermediality and cultural diversity in the study of written language.


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How to Cite

Kim, S. D. (2024). The transdisciplinary paradigm of the intermedial grammatology. TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2(Özel Sayı/ Special Issue/ Issue Specialé), 7–17.