A semiotic approach to the cartoon: “C’est le Ramadan” during the COVID-19 epidemic centralization

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  • Nour-El-Houda QUADI Lounici Ali Blida 2 University




Cartoon, Covid-19, Karim, semiotics, Algeria


Under the double heading of the Covid-19 pandemic, this article aims to analyze the cartoon: “C’est le Ramadan” by Karim, which reflects the symbolic form of Algeria's acerbic image during the outbreak of the pandemic. To this end, we will attempt to answer, from a semiotic angle, the following question: how does Karim's cartoon “C’est le Ramadan” evoke the health nightmare of Covid-19? In order to identify possible meanings for this cartoon through an empirical descriptive method.


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How to Cite

QUADI, N.-E.-H. (2023). A semiotic approach to the cartoon: “C’est le Ramadan” during the COVID-19 epidemic centralization. TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 1(1), 82–90. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8092517


