A literary semiotic practice of O. Henry’s “The Skylight Room” in language teaching

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Semiotics, literary semiotics, O. Henry, The Skylight Room, language teaching


Whether it is a work of art or a text, a message to be conveyed is delivered to its addressee in various ways. Here, a communication is established. Communication is a transmission, and the message is conveyed to the addressee through verbal or non-verbal signs. Hence, not solely written texts but also paintings, sculptures, or instructive visuals can be regarded as texts in terms of establishing a communication. These types of texts have also emerged through the meaningful sequence of the signs that constitute them. Along with educational materials created through verbal and/or non-verbal signs, literary texts, which are accepted as artistic products, have also begun to take their place in teaching methodologies over time. These kinds of literary texts, commonly employed in classroom applications, provide a dynamic approach to language acquisition and the process of signification, thereby enhancing the learning experience. In the process of developing this learning experience, different theoretical methods and techniques are utilized. At this point, the theory of semiotics also offers the possibility of interdisciplinary study in classroom practices. Semiotics studies have also been carried out across different disciplines within literature, and in this study, it is interrelated with literature and educational sciences. Accordingly, the examination object of this study is a literary work which is in communication with its readers. Therefore, the primary objective of the study is to suggest a methodology for integrating literary semiotic theory, along with its methods and techniques, into classroom practices. The current study also aims to analyze O. Henry’s (William Sydney Porter) short story “The Skylight Room” in line with the principles of literary semiotics and to shed light on its importance and advantages in terms of language teaching.


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How to Cite

YURTSEVEN, H., & TERTEMİZ, B. (2024). A literary semiotic practice of O. Henry’s “The Skylight Room” in language teaching. TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2(2), 17–32. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14568376